The Counter-Strike sticker system supports a variety of real-world sticker manufacturing styles and visual appearances. This document covers the following topics:
The following types of stickers can be created using the sticker materials just by setting a few custom material properties. Possible sticker types currently include:
Some stickers require only one texture, and stickers tend to look best with crisp, clear lines and colors.
Note: You don't have to put any scratches or grime in the sticker texture - wear effects are added automatically.
You will need to create a new VMT for each sticker you create. The VMT contains the material parameters and settings that define how your sticker looks.
Here's an example sticker VMT. This particular example defines the "Aces High" sticker:
WeaponDecal { $basetexture models\\weapons\\customization\\stickers\\standard\\aces_high $decalstyle 1 // standard paper-backed plastic sticker $envmap \"env_cubemap\" $envmaptint \"[ .07 .07 .07 ]\" $phong 1 $phongexponent 2 $phongfresnelranges \"[ .2 .5 1 ]\" $phongalbedotint 1.0 $phongboost 1.0 $phongalbedoboost 10.0 }
Common material parameter documentation can be found here on the Valve Developer Wiki. Some material parameters are unique to the CS:GO sticker shader and will be explained in detail in this document.
WeaponDecal { $DECALSTYLE 0 // glossy sticker style $basetexture models\weapons\customization\stickers\examples\sticker_chickenlover $unwearstrength 0.16 $envmap "env_cubemap" $envmaptint "[ .07 .07 .07 ]" $phong 1 $phongexponent 2 $phongfresnelranges "[ .2 .5 1 ]" $phongalbedotint 1.0 $phongboost 1.0 $phongalbedoboost 10.0 }
WeaponDecal { $DECALSTYLE 1 //Paper-backed glossy sticker style $basetexture models\weapons\customization\stickers\sticker_wolves $unwearstrength 0.1 $envmap "env_cubemap" $envmaptint "[ .07 .07 .07 ]" $phong 1 $phongexponent 2 $phongfresnelranges "[ .2 .5 1 ]" $phongalbedotint 1.0 $phongboost 1.0 $phongalbedoboost 10.0 }
WeaponDecal { $DECALSTYLE 2 //color-replace sticker style $basetexture models\weapons\customization\stickers\examples\ct_logo $colortint "[ 12 16 19 ]" $colortint2 "[ 32 43 50 ]" $colortint3 "[ 91 114 131 ]" $colortint4 "[ 141 155 165 ]" $unwearstrength 0.2 $envmap "env_cubemap" $envmaptint "[ .07 .07 .07 ]" $phong 1 $phongexponent 2 $phongfresnelranges "[ .2 .5 1 ]" $phongalbedotint 1.0 $phongboost 1.0 $phongalbedoboost 10.0 }
WeaponDecal { $DECALSTYLE 4 // embossed foil $basetexture models\weapons\customization\stickers\standard\luck_foil $normalmap models\weapons\customization\stickers\standard\luck_foil_normal $unwearstrength 0.08 $envmap "env_cubemap" $envmaptint "[ 25 25 25 ]" $phong 1 $phongexponent 0.1 $phongfresnelranges "[ 1 1 1 ]" $phongalbedotint 1.0 $phongboost 40.0 $phongalbedoboost 2.0 }
WeaponDecal { $DECALSTYLE 3 //hologram $basetexture models\weapons\customization\stickers\examples\bish $holomask models\weapons\customization\stickers\examples\bish_holomask $holospectrum models\weapons\customization\stickers\default\holowarp_default $unwearstrength 0.1 $envmap "env_cubemap" $envmaptint "[ .07 .07 .07 ]" $phong 1 $phongexponent 2 $phongfresnelranges "[ .2 .5 1 ]" $phongalbedotint 1.0 $phongboost 1.0 $phongalbedoboost 10.0 }